Using Strategic Foresight to Manage Uncertainty (separate registration is required)

Wednesday, May 01 | 8:00AM–4:00PM CT | Lakeshore BC, First Floor
Session Type: Additional Fee Program
Delivery Format: Preconference Workshop
Is your institution grappling with integrating evolving technologiess such as AI? As the demand for hybrid work and learning has increased, have you been ready to adapt, rather than scrambling to react? What does the future hold for higher education privacy and cybersecurity? We can’t answer that, but there are tools we can use that help us get an idea of possible futures. This workshop will focus on the basic building blocks of foresight strategy and introduce you to the tools and techniques for developing future scenarios, a range of potential futures that help us see what’s possible and chart a path forward. Developing a set of potential alternative scenarios allows you to consider the various directions in which current trends could go, enabling you to identify emerging imperatives and consider next-step strategies for dealing with them. In this workshop, you will gain competency in specific building blocks of foresight (such as signals and trends) and learn to use foresight tools to understand possible futures for privacy and cybersecurity in higher education. Attendees will leave with a workbook of activities for use at their institutions.

The registration fee for this preconference workshop includes:
• Lunch on Wednesday, May 1 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
• Refreshment breaks
• All workshop materials


  • Nicole Muscanell

    Researcher, EDUCAUSE
  • Kathe Pelletier

    Senior Director, Community Programs, EDUCAUSE
  • Betsy Reinitz

Resources & Downloads

  • Using Strategic Foresight to Manage Uncertainty Presentation Slides

    Updated on 8/31/2024
  • Using Strategic Foresight to Management Uncertainty Workbook

    Updated on 8/31/2024