Wednesday, November 09, 2022 | 12:00PM–1:00PM ET | Online

Member QuickTalk | Should Students Pay to Turn in Homework? Navigating Digital Courseware Models

Rescheduled for February 8th at 1:00 ET

In this session, participants will collaborate on the problem of expensive homework systems (courseware) that students encounter in many of their courses. Connected to the course management system, many of these products require students to pay a fee to access assignments, quizzes, helpful hints, and electronic textbooks. Sometimes these fees make courses unaffordable for students. Let’s brainstorm how we can approach this issue and make a difference for students on our campuses.

QuickTalk Moderators

  • Nicole Allen

    Director of Open Education, SPARC Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
  • Victoria Getis

    Senior Director, Teaching & Learning Technologies, Northwestern University
  • Andrea Jones-Davis

    Director, CourseGateway Program, EDUCAUSE
  • Carrie Miller

    Instructional Designer, Minnesota State University, Mankato