Exploring the "Team Sport" of Leading Academic Transformation

Wednesday, March 28 | 11:00AM–11:45AM ET | Room 555
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Leading academic transformation at our institutions has become a "team sport"—an enterprise involving multiple organizations across campus. This adds an additional leadership challenge, as more is involved than just managing your staff. Instead, it also requires managing cross-organizational relationships in order to deliver the integrated services needed to promote academic transformation. At this session, you will hear from some academic leaders about how they are meeting this challenge, followed by small group discussions to explore how this might be useful to you at your campus. This session has been organized by the EDUCAUSE Leading Academic Transformation community of practice (aka LAT). Information about LAT and its activities will be available at this session.


  • Malcolm Brown

    Consultant, EDUCAUSE Alumni
  • Beth DuPont

    Director of Media Services & Learning Experience Design & Digital Scholarship Support (LEDS), Skidmore College
  • Tori Mondelli

    Director, Teaching for Learning Center, University of Missouri
  • Tracy Schroeder

    Associate Vice Chancellor & Chief Information Officer, University of California, Berkeley
  • Wendy Shapiro