Chasing Zero: How WCU Optimized ITSM to Maximize Team Performance

Wednesday, March 29 | 8:55AM–9:15AM ET | Room 550
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation or Panel Session

Learn about the transformation of West Chester University's chaotic help desk to an efficient, user-centric IT service desk. Presenters will discuss WCU’s implementation of ServiceNow ITSM PRO and key strategies that led to peak team performance and reduced MTTR. This session includes the use of the IT Service Assurance Maturity Model for self-assessment and goal setting, examples of how data analytics identified performance gaps, and how implementing a SHIFT strategy drove confidence in self-service.


  • Paul Gargiulo

    Director, EdTech & User Services, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
  • Michael Thomas

    Assistant Director EdTech and User Services, West Chester University of Pennsylvania