Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BOFs)
Monday, April 18, 2016 | 9:00PM–11:00PM | Fifth Avenue Room, Grand Level, Fourth Floor
Session Type:
Professional Development
Join colleagues this evening to discuss hot topics in an informal setting. You'll be able to network and exchange ideas, insights, and experiences. You can also establish a new topic by notifying us in advance ([email protected]).
Topics include:
- Cybersecurity for science
- DNS protection, including DKIM and SPF
- Handling and measuring approaches to phishing
- PCI training demo
- REN-ISAC membership services and engagement
- REN-ISAC Security Event System v3
- Sharing best practices on an international level
- The future of security awareness in higher education
- Using Splunk to get more value from your logs and find risk