Charting the Seas of Data Governance

Thursday, April 12 | 1:00PM–2:00PM ET | Maryland Ballroom F, Fifth Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
A solid data governance strategy is your institution's compass to ensuring your most important asset, data, doesn't get lost in the murky waters. With increasing requests for data to be stored off-site and used for analytics, it's more important than ever to have a plan for the appropriate people and tools to manage and monitor data proliferation. We will discuss the evolution of data governance and how you can use it to inform decision-making, planning, and reporting. This will be done through examining how the University of Colorado multicampus system has implemented it and is sharing best practices for success.

Outcomes: Learn how to relate the importance of data governance to others * Understand the spectrum of data governance maturity and where your campus falls * Be inspired to determine ways to improve data governance


  • Sarah Braun

    Information Security Officer and Associate Director for Information Risk and Compliance, University of Colorado System
  • Brad Judy

    Information Security Officer, University of Colorado System

Resources & Downloads

  • Data Governance Maturity Levels

    296 KB, pdf - Updated on 1/26/2024
  • Charting the Seas of DG Worksheet

    768 KB, pdf - Updated on 1/26/2024
  • Charting the Seas of DG Resources

    108 KB, docx - Updated on 1/26/2024
  • Charting the Seas of Data Governance SPC 2018

    2 MB, pdf - Updated on 1/26/2024