From the Bottom Up: Diversity Perspectives from a Security Engineer

Wednesday, May 15 | 2:20PM–3:20PM CT | St. Gallen, Second Floor Event Centre
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Diversity may be erroneously viewed as an exercise for HR and management to adjust staffing decisions to ensure compliance with institutional diversity statements. My personal experience is that diversity is a powerful tool to make teams and project outcomes better. In this session, I will share my experiences during a recent project to deploy two-factor authentication for the University of Delaware. In this project, diversity drove improved teamwork, formed the basis of team innovation, and led to a project outcome that was better and more resilient than envisioned by individual team members.

Outcomes: Identify tangible benefits of diversity in their project tasks * Identify enablers to improve teamwork * Align project and institutional diversity needs


  • Tyrone Smith

    Security Engineer - Technical Security Group, University of Delaware

Resources & Downloads

  • From the Bottom Up Diversity Perspectives from a Security Engineer

    Updated on 11/26/2019
  • From the Bottom Up Diversity Perspectives from a Security Engineer 1

    Updated on 11/26/2019