Endpoint Mitigation and Management Across the Institution
Endpoint Mitigation and Management Across the Institution
Thursday, November 01, 2018 | 12:30PM–1:30PM MT | Board 501, Poster Area, Exhibit Hall B-E
Session Type:
Poster Session
Delivery Format:
Addressing endpoint management across an institution with nine campuses and several hundred thousand endpoints and cybersecurity risk that is ever changing and increasing presents both technical and cultural challenges. The recent cyberthreats (i.e., SMBV1) prompted Indiana University to review its EMS (endpoint management system) to make it more effective and efficient.
Outcomes: Understand the capabilities and limitations of EMS when used to detect and mitigate cyberintrusions * Organize institutional stakeholders and establish EMS best practices and policies that reduce the cyberthreat at your institution * Identify and analyze EMS data points to improve your security posture
Momi Ford
AVP, Enterprise Support Services, Indiana University
Allen Tucker
Manager, HELPnet Central Systems, Indiana University