How to Scale Innovation Beyond Pretty Prototypes

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 1:30PM–2:15PM MT | Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Featured Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
CIOs are investing in innovation to meet CEO demands for growth. Yet at some point, the Red Bull runs dry, the pizza gets thrown away, and innovation fizzles. CIOs must focus on three elements—ownership, behavior and process—to scale proven ideas. Each element contains a scale breaker (a factor that derails scaling) and a scale maker (a factor that accelerates scaling).

This session has been designated as part of the Diana G. Oblinger Forum this year. This series of non-exclusive sessions requires no additional registration or fees.


  • Kristin Moyer

    Research Vice President and Distinguished Analyst, Gartner Inc