Thursday, November 01 | 8:00AM–9:00AM MT | Bellco Theater
Session Type:
Featured Session
Delivery Format:
Interactive Presentation
Artificial intelligence is poised to have a transformational impact on our world. It's already affecting how we do business and live our lives today. AI effects magnify as virtually every industry begins to transform their core processes and business models to take advantage of artificial intelligence. Because of the level of influence and impact artificial intelligence will have in our world, it is essential that we keep it pure, balanced, and unbiased in the tasks and processes it performs. However, are we able to do this? Of late, we see a trend of bias making its way into AI systems that pose a threat to it becoming a positive impact on our world. The bias found in the data, even in the models themselves, can cause subtle, unexpected outcomes. Join me as we discuss what this bias is, how it might be (accidentally or perhaps deliberately) included into our data and our models, and how we might detect and remove bias from our AI systems.
This session has been designated as part of the Diana G. Oblinger Forum this year. This series of non-exclusive sessions requires no additional registration or fees.
Teddy Benson
Director of Data Integration , Walt Disney World, Parks and Resorts