Hacked: Security Breakout Challenge

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 12:30PM–1:30PM MT | Board 502, Poster Area, Exhibit Hall B-E
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster
In an effort to create a student experience that would emphasize digital security and best online security practices, UIndy partnered with several campus departments to develop a 50-minute interactive experience around the breakout-room phenomenon. We'll share our ideas and outcomes, and you can try to "break out" too!

Outcomes: Develop your own breakout security experience * Understand the ROI, student engagement in the university's security obligations, and partnership development opportunities * Identify real-life opportunities for students to engage in security event planning and preparation


  • Gail Cooper

    Senior Director, IT Help Desk, University of Indianapolis
  • Tory Miller