Thursday, November 01, 2018 | 3:15PM–4:00PM MT | Board 405, Poster Area, Exhibit Hall B-E
Session Type:
Poster Session
Women in IT is a new affinity community that provides a support network to all individuals who are interested in issues and opportunities related to women in technology in Minnesota. We'll review our first year and initiate second-year plans that will create a culture that empowers women.
Outcomes: Understand the issues, obstacles, and opportunities for women in IT * Identify possible approaches to support women in IT within a local context (university, college, system) * Integrate lessons learned from regional conversations across a large state college and university system into local plans for recruiting, supporting, and retaining women in IT
Tiffni Deeb
Analytics Services Product Manager, EDUCAUSE
Mark Johnson
Vice President - Chief Information Officer, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Kim Lynch
Senior System Director of Educational Innovations, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities