Innovate and Differentiate with Enterprise Cloud Services

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 10:45AM–11:30AM MT | Meeting Room 503/504
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Industry and Campus-Led Session
Every institution is faced with the need to transform: Students, faculty, staff and the external community all have different expectations, but they uniformly expect modern services and capabilities. To meet these demands, institutions are increasingly embracing innovative technologies such as chatbots powered by artificial intelligence, modern student systems, and autonomous cloud services. Hear from leading institutions how they are prioritizing and embracing these new technologies, and how our latest investments, including Oracle Student Cloud, and autonomous cloud services such as database, integration, security and management, are helping to create a dynamic, modern and personalized experience for the entire community.


  • Tonjia Coverdale

  • Max Davis-Johnson

    Associate Vice President, Chief Information Office, Boise State University
  • Nicole Engelbert

    Vice President, Oracle
  • Anthony Espinoza

    Chief Information Officer, Stephen F. Austin State University
  • Frank Leber

  • Keith Rajecki

    Software Technology Sales, Oracle