Journey Toward a Data Culture: Are We There Yet?

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 3:30PM–4:15PM MT | Mile High Ballroom 4A/B, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Data to inform decision-making have become increasingly important in recent years. However, not all institutions of higher learning have fully adopted a data-driven culture. The goal of this group discussion will be to answer the question, “What is a data-driven culture, and how do we achieve one?

Outcomes: Understand data culture (what it is and the phases of data maturity) * Learn about one university’s efforts and progression towards a data culture in the research enterprise * Exchange experiences and ideas on how to cultivate a data culture


  • Richard Fenger

    Assistant Director, University of Washington
  • Jim Kresl

    Assistant Vice Provost for Research, University of Washington
  • Dave Smith

    Data Analyst Lead, University of Washington