Meet Critical Business Requirements with Your Enterprise Cloud of Choice

Wednesday, October 31 | 3:30PM–4:15PM MT | Meeting Room 401/402
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Industry and Campus-Led Session
Learn how North Dakota University System, Ozarks Technical Community College, and the KU School of Medicine, Wichita used hyperconverged infrastructure to build an enterprise cloud that fit their unique needs and budget, allowing them to spend less time in the data center and more time on strategic initiatives.

Outcomes: Determine the right workloads for your IT environment * Reduce complexity and vendor lock-in * Lower TCO * Get your weekends and nights back


  • Mark Benson

    SE Manager, Zscaler
  • Bill Conlee

    Network Specialist, The University of Kansas Medical Center
  • Robby Daniels

    Client Support Specialist, Creighton University
  • Eric Kyle

    Chief Technology Officer, Ozarks Technical Community College
  • Keith Mercer

    System Admin Manager, North Dakota University System
  • Sharyne Miller

    Associate Vice Chancellor and CIO, University of North Carolina, Wilmington