The Fiction of Best Practice: Information Security in Small Schools

Friday, November 02 | 8:00AM–8:45AM MT | Mile High Ballroom 2B/3B, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Panel Presentation
Join in conversation with four small schools at different levels of information security maturity, from a program less than a year old to a program more than three years old. Panelists will share their issues, where they have chosen to prioritize, and why.

Outcomes: Share successes and challenges in an honest collegial environment * Learn how to balance risks and investments versus resources and discuss strategies for engaging campus administrators * Take away strategies for prioritizing information security issues for their institutional plan * Find new high-value, low-cost resources, materials, and tools specifically designed for small schools


  • Dan Drenkow

    Director Emeritus, Augustana University
  • Scott Krajewski

    AVP for IT, Augsburg University
  • Amy Pearlman

  • Nathan Phillips

    CIO, American College of Healthcare Sciences

Resources & Downloads

  • The Fiction of Best Practice Information Security in Small Schools

    Updated on 11/26/2019