Using Commodity Hardware for Classroom Emergency Notification

Thursday, November 01, 2018 | 3:15PM–4:00PM MT | Board 505, Poster Area, Exhibit Hall B-E
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Recent Rochester Institute of Technology graduates will demonstrate the results of their senior project aiming to create a robust emergency notification system using modern, inexpensive hardware. The system supports Android, Chrome OS, and browser-compatible devices in order to create clocks that can quickly distribute emergency alerts using existing alerting infrastructure.

Outcomes: Review working demonstrations of the system running on various commodity hardware * See how the system integrates into many commonly used emergency communications platforms * Review the web platform that allows school officials to share management responsibilities and easily manage large numbers of deployed devices across multiple campus locations


  • Ted Krupicka

    Associate Chief Information Officer, Pacific University
  • Tyler Krupicka

    Project Lead, Clockwyse
  • Jeremiah Zucker

    Device Lead, Clockwyse