Make It Personal: Using Data to Inform Faculty Professional Development

Wednesday, January 31 | 8:30AM–9:15AM CT | Galerie 6, Second Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Do you want to make faculty professional development meaningful to participants? Simply asking faculty what they need is not enough. Personalized learning uses data to inform which strategies or interventions are required for an individual to reach a goal or objective. To increase faculty digital fluency, we first need to understand individual strengths and weaknesses. A needs assessment to determine faculty needs may provide a pathway for personalization of faculty professional development. In this interactive session, we will explore a competency-based needs assessment instrument and work together to design a needs assessment instrument relevant to participants' respective institutional goals.

Outcomes: Explore how a competency-based needs assessment can be used to personalize digital fluency–centered professional development for individual faculty members * Develop a competency-based needs assessment relevant to the institutional goals and digital fluency gaps of faculty at your institutions * Create a personalized learning plan for faculty based on data from a competency-based needs assessment


  • Aaron Bond

    Senior Director, Learning Services, Virginia Tech
  • Kimberly Filer

    Director Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research, Virginia Tech
  • Dale Pike

    Associate Vice Provost, Virginia Tech

Resources & Downloads

  • ELI PresentationfinalAB

    1 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/6/2024
  • handout

    780 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/6/2024
  • Making it Personal Qualtrics Survey

    201 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/6/2024