Security Awareness: A Hero’s Journey

Wednesday, May 03 | 8:00AM–9:00AM | Colorado Ballroom GH, Lower Level 2
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Concurrent Session
While securing computers can be difficult, securing humans presents a real challenge. Security awareness and training must be designed not only to reach your audience but to engage them and encourage them to be part of the solution. We will discuss ways of developing your security story and delivering it in a way that keeps your audience from tuning out. This is more than just making PowerPoints; this is using classic story structures independent of the delivery mechanism. This is a topic specific/intermediate level session.

Outcomes: Understand how stories can pass along important information * Learn how security concepts can be turned into something relatable to the audience * Create a story that can be used in local environments


  • Steve Cardinal

    Chief Information Security Officer, Medical University of South Carolina

Resources & Downloads

  • Security Awareness_slides

    1 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024