Let’s Go Phishing in the Wild OAuth Seas

Tuesday, May 02 | 3:15PM–4:15PM | Denver Ballroom 4-6, Lower Level 2
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Industry and Campus Solutions
Cloud services are here to stay: this is no surprise. The amount of unintended exposure and compromise of your institution’s information, however, is surprising. In this session, we will review how to intricately balance convenience with security. Learn how Cisco Cloudlock is used to achieve this balance through detecting atypical user behavior and building response workflows to mitigate the risk of compromised accounts. Detection of cloud malware and nonproductive /malicious apps provides another input to help safeguard the environment. This is all achieved by working in a simple, open, and effective manner of taking in feeds from disparate solutions to remediate exposures and compromises so you can "cloud" with confidence.

Understand how interconnected cloud applications are used in the enterprise * Understand how OAuth-connected applications pose a new security risk to cloud data * Understand the dynamics and critical elements of an OAuth-based phishing attack


  • Aaron Baillio

    CISO, University of Oklahoma
  • Brendan O'Connell