Just the Facts: Using KPIs and Dashboards to Improve Your Security Posture

On Demand
Session Type: Virtual
Delivery Format: On Demand

The right information can empower leadership and technical staff to make data-driven decisions that improve information security. The challenge can be finding accurate data, identifying the right metrics, and creating KPIs. At Penn State, we have gained a wealth of information over the past year around developing metrics, KPIs, and necessary Splunk dashboards to measure our security posture. We will share what we have learned, including basic metrics, KPIs, and Splunk techniques. This presentation will help the higher ed community better leverage the data it has to gain greater insight into individual school's security performance.

Outcomes: Develop a deeper understanding of the benefits of performance benchmarks * Compare strategies within your institution to those we employed to build and deliver your own metrics and KPIs * Gain insight and tips used to create dashboards relevant to your institution


  • Chris Decker

    Enterprise Security Manager, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Richard Sparrow

    Global Chief Information Security Officer, New York University