Morgan State University’s Technology-Enabled Advising Showcase

Thursday, November 02, 2017 | 12:15PM–1:15PM ET | Exhibit Hall A-C, 200 Level
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
These posters have been designed to showcase the work each institution has done over the past two years to harness data and technology to increase student success. They have been implementing technologies for degree planning, improved counseling and coaching, and risk targeting and intervention. Each of the posters provides an overview of the technology or technologies used at the institution for this work, the ways in which the work is having an impact on advising and student support models and services, the outcomes being demonstrated to date, and the biggest challenge that the work has presented for the institution. Representatives of each campus will be available to discuss their work.


  • Tiffany Mfume

    Associate Vice President for Student Success and Retention, Morgan State University