Moving an Entire Infrastructure to the Cloud: AWS and Docker
Moving an Entire Infrastructure to the Cloud: AWS and Docker
Wednesday, November 01, 2017 | 2:00PM–2:50PM ET | Meeting Room 201B, 200 Level
Session Type:
Breakout Session
Delivery Format:
Interactive Presentation
We will present a case study of SUU's moving the Banner Infrastructure to AWS, which went live December 2016. We will review the entire project from beginning to end, with best practices and lessons learned along the way. The project allowed us to completely rearchitect for XE and retool our infrastructure for cohesiveness, redundancy, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery.
Outcomes: Understand that moving infrastructure to the cloud can work for institutions of any size * Identify the different AWS instance types in relationship to cost and performance * Understand the quickest way to move an Oracle database to the cloud