Multi-Institution Mentoring: Partnering to Develop Future IT Leaders

Wednesday, November 01 | 2:00PM–2:50PM ET | Meeting Room 103B, 100 Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Multi-Campus Perspective Panel, Talk Show
The 28 institutions in the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities have developed an IT Mentoring Program to provide an effective development resource for staff who show leadership potential. Mentees are matched with mentors from different institutions to broaden their perspective on the challenges faced in IT in higher education.

Outcomes: Understand the benefit of a cross-institutional mentoring program * Learn how to duplicate a similar cost-effective program * Learn how to leverage strong IT leaders for effective professional development


  • Pat Donohue

    Deputy CIO, Elon University
  • Louise Finn

  • Patrick Frontiera

    Senior Business Development Manager, Amazon Web Services
  • Kathy Lang

    Interim CIO, Salve Regina University