Organizing for Success: Reimagining, Redefining, and Reorganizing Faculty Support for 21st-Century Learning

Thursday, November 02 | 12:15PM–1:15PM ET | Exhibit Hall A-C, 200 Level
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Service areas providing faculty development and support for teaching excellence, distance learning, or instructional technologies are being reimagined, redefined, and reorganized to address institutional needs, given a growing interest in online course delivery. Academic technology leaders from two institutions who have taken different approaches will share their perspectives.

Outcomes:: Apply strategies for developing and supporting academic technologies at your institution * Identify challenges and potential solutions relevant to your institution * Identify gaps and needs in the current state of your institution's academic technology ecosystem


  • Richard Webber

    Associate Vice Provost & CTO, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, Stanford University
  • Catherine Zabriskie

    Senior Director Digital Learning & Design, Brown University