Planning Today for Tomorrow's Digital Campus

Thursday, November 02, 2017 | 2:40PM–3:30PM ET | Meeting Room 113B, 100 Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Industry and Campus-Led Session
Today's consumers demand an experience rather than only services provided, and students in higher education are no exception. FSU will share a strategic approach to this demand by using emerging technologies and maximizing current investments to create personalized and location-specific experiences. This strategy reduces clicks/logins, improves navigation, and speeds response times and downloads.

Outcomes: Articulate a digital campus vision for your institution * Identify how to gain support for a university-wide initiative * Build strategic partnerships across campus and unify disparate solutions and applications


  • Rebekah Dorn

    Sr. Director of Strategy and Outreach, Florida State University

Resources & Downloads

  • EDUCAUSEdigitalcampus

    43 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/6/2024