The Undeniable Value of the Live Webcast (How a Poetry MOOC Engages with 1,000+ Students Weekly)

Thursday, November 02 | 12:15PM–1:15PM ET | Exhibit Hall A-C, 200 Level
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Using YouTube and Facebook Live, UPenn's Poetry MOOC comes to life for 30,000+ students each week using live webcasts. Students are encouraged to participate and pose questions to the professor through Twitter, Facebook, and a phone-call hotline. Learn more about this highly engaging, popular feature of the course.

Outcomes: Explore the value live webcasting can offer to a MOOC and to the institution * Understand how social media can be used to encourage student participation in live events * Learn how you can begin webcasting today with YouTube Live and Facebook Live


  • Chris Martin

    Senior IT Support Specialist, University of Pennsylvania