The University Timeline: Getting the Right Information to the Right People at the Right Time in the Right Way
The University Timeline: Getting the Right Information to the Right People at the Right Time in the Right Way
Wednesday, November 01, 2017 | 2:00PM–2:50PM ET | Meeting Room 204A, 200 Level
Session Type:
Breakout Session
Delivery Format:
Interactive Presentation
The Princeton Timeline supports the distribution of time-critical information about activities, events, deadlines, and announcements to the Princeton University community (and beyond). The system was developed in response to concerns expressed by students regarding the ineffectiveness of e-mail. This talk will cover the genesis, development, and deployment of the timeline.
Outcomes: Explore the challenges we face in effectively communicating with students * Identify potential problems with hosted voice migrations to head them off at the pass * Identify the limitations of piecemeal approaches to information delivery, specifically on your campus * Understand the value of a consolidated information delivery system and how the timeline works
Serge Goldstein
Chief Information Architect, Princeton University
Kevin Perry
Senior Architect, Software Development, Princeton University