Using Analytics to Precisely Target Students to Raise Retention and Graduation Rates and Unlock Performance-Based Funding

Thursday, November 02, 2017 | 4:30PM–5:20PM ET | Meeting Room 113C, 100 Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
This session will explain how USF implemented a Student Success Platform bringing people, processes and technology together to use analytics to identify and reach at-risk students with more precision. This work has raised the first-year retention rate to 90.02%—the highest in USF history, and pushed the six-year graduation rate to nearly 70%, potentially unlocking millions in state performance-based funding.

Outcomes: Learn how to apply predictive analytics to promote student success * Empower school leaders to allocate resources strategically to improve student outcomes * Learn how a student success campaign positioned a university for additional state funding


  • Paul Dosal

    Vice President for Student Success, University of South Florida
  • Travis Thompson

    Designer, Researcher, Instructor - IT, University of South Florida

Resources & Downloads

  • EDUCAUSE 2017 USF Using Analytics to Precisely Target

    4 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/6/2024