Lessons Learned for Intentional Outsourcing

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 3:30PM–4:15PM MT | Meeting Room 505/506
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Industry and Campus-Led Session
In this session, Tracy Smith, Director of the IT Service Desk at UVA will lead a dynamic conversation on how to approach, launch, and manage a partnership with a support provider to delight your user community. This session will include a reflection on campus culture, financial realities, IT support and governance leadership cultures, and how your service desk is included in IT projects. Walk away with a checklist on how you can move your organization forward.

Outcomes: Get a guided assessment of your current self-service strengths * Learn about structured data * Build a roadmap to launch or relaunch your self-service efforts


  • Tracy Smith

    Director, IT Service Support Operations, University of Virginia
  • Michael Zastudil

    Sr. VP Customer Success & Product Management, Unifyed

Resources & Downloads

  • Intentional Outsourcing

    Updated on 11/26/2019