App Smackdown! A Battle Royal of Education Technology

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 | 3:15PM–4:00PM PT | Carmel, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
This quick-fire showcase will feature four lightweight apps to foster active, experiential online learning via a battle royal style competition! Three challengers from the University of Arizona will present a lightning demo each, followed by audience voting on who should be crowned the winner of this no-holds-barred app smackdown.

Outcomes: Identify at least one app that they would like to implement in the future * Collect multiple use cases for different apps * Gain experience with rapid-fire professional development techniques to drive the experimentation and implementation of new education technology tools


  • Melody Buckner

    Associate Vice Provost of Digital Learning, The University of Arizona
  • Angela Gunder

    Adjunct Professor and LXD Specialist, The University of Arizona
  • Matt Romanoski

    Director, Instructional Design, The University of Arizona
  • Cathy Russell

    Instructional Design Manager, The University of Arizona

Resources & Downloads

  • App Smackdown A Battle Royale of Education Technology

    Updated on 11/26/2019