The ELI Annual Meeting programming is derived from member-driven content organized. As a community, we are working to create a cohesive and connected environment for all students and instructors.
Transforming Higher Education: Exploring New Learning Horizons
The horizon of teaching and learning today is characterized by ever greater degrees of agency for learners, instructors, instructional designers, and technologists. From active learning classrooms to integrated student advising and from rapidly improving XR technologies to learning analytics, we all have more options for invention, innovation, and new designs in support of our teaching and learning mission. Join your colleagues as we collectively explore this ever-changing landscape of the new possibilities for learning, addressing these and many other questions:
What new kinds of leadership are required for this new teaching and learning landscape?
What are the best methods and techniques that promote innovation and creative thinking to support student learning?
What new educational technologies seem most promising?
What role should data and analytics play, and what are the trade-offs between analytics and privacy?
How can we best determine the efficacy of our learning innovations and technologies?
What learning spaces and environments best promote active learning
2019 ELI Annual Meeting Tracks
The strategic use of information technology has the ability to transform teaching and learning, helping institutions realize EDUCAUSE's mission to advance higher education through the use of information technology. The following tracks include the best ways to navigate the learning horizons.
Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Analytics: Privacy, Learning Data, Student Advising, and Interventions
Digital and Information Literacy
Faculty Development and Engagement
Innovation in Instructional Design and Course Models
Leadership and Academic Transformation
Learning Efficacy: Impact Evaluation, Learning Research and Science
Learning Environments and Spaces
Learning Horizons: Emerging Technology, Ground-Breaking Practices, and Educational Futures
Open Education
Student Success