Local and Global Decisions: Development and Assessment of Digital Competency Initiatives (separate registration is required)

Tuesday, February 19 | 8:00AM–11:00AM PT | El Capitan, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Additional Fee Program
Delivery Format: Preconference Workshop
Digital competency initiatives begin from shared global objectives but must adapt to local culture and structures to succeed. Collaboration helps define needs and goals, but how can we collaboratively assess programs that adopt intensely local variations? In this workshop, we will present multiple examples of program development with overlapping goals. After examining existing efforts on co-participants' campuses, you will develop plans for your own initiatives, considering local circumstances. We will then brainstorm about how to collaboratively assess the impact of digital competency initiatives. Moreover, we will determine what evidence of impact would be meaningful to different stakeholders.

Outcomes: Elucidate the complexities of interinstitutional goals vs. unique campus factors in developing and assessing digital competency initiatives * Plan an initiative for your campus building on existing efforts and resources with unique factors/structures in mind * Articulate impact to stakeholders using best practices regarding assessment and collaboration in the context of local variations


  • Liz Evans

  • Ed Finn

    Executive Director, Center for Innovation in Teaching, Assessment, and Learning, Valparaiso University
  • Mo Pelzel

    Director of Academic Technology, Grinnell College
  • Donnie Sendelbach

    Director of Academic Technology, Denison University
  • Jenny Spohrer

    Director of Educational and Scholarly Technology, Bryn Mawr College
  • Ted Wilder

    Associate Director, Macalester College

Resources & Downloads

  • Local Global Decisions Digital Competency Initiatives Development Assessment

    Updated on 8/31/2024