Open Education Initiatives in Canada

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 | 2:30PM–3:15PM PT | Pacific Promenade - Poster26
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
This poster session will provide an overview of open education initiatives in Canada, including open educational resources (such as the BCcampus Open Textbook project with 259 open textbooks); open education policies (such as the provincially supported Ontario Open Textbooks initiative); open educational practices (such as the math department at the University of British Columbia's exclusively adopting open textbooks); and institutional exemplars such as Athabasca University (known as Canada's first OER university) and Kwantlen College (developing Canada's first "Z" program, which aims to reduce textbook costs to zero).

Outcomes: Learn about key open education initiatives in Canada * Identify which open education initiatives in Canada have been successful, which ones have not, and why * Explore 3 areas relevant to supporting open education (i.e., open educational resources, open educational practices, and open educational policies)


  • Mark Morton

    Senior Instructional Developer, Emerging Technologies, University of Waterloo

Resources & Downloads

  • Open Education Initiatives in Canada

    Updated on 11/26/2019