Recipes for Effective Online Teaching: Curated Videos plus Activities

Thursday, February 21, 2019 | 10:15AM–11:00AM PT | Pacific Promenade - Poster35
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Research shows us that recording hours of video lectures for online or flipped classes is an ineffective online teaching resource. Studies show that students aren't watching them. Faculty effort, technical staff, and captioning are expensive. What are effective options? We will highlight key research on the types of videos faculty should be creating and identify strategies faculty can use to create focused video presentations, as well as the support services needed. We'll also provide suggestions for activities prior to, during, and after watching course videos that ensure greater student engagement and deeper learning.

Outcomes: Define the components needed to create engaging and effective online video lectures * Examine strategies for curating online video lecture content * Identify activities that enhance deeper learning of video lecture content


  • Nima Salehi

    Instructional Designer, University of Minnesota
  • Susan Tade

    Service Owner Academic Technology Support Services, University of Minnesota

Resources & Downloads

  • Recipes for Effective Online Teaching Curated Videos Plus Activities handout

    Updated on 11/26/2019