Sharing, Inclusiveness, and Transparency: Collaborative Strategies for Instructional Design Teams

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 | 2:30PM–3:15PM PT | Pacific Promenade - Poster23
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Join us to learn how we—an assistant director and a senior instructional designer in the ID2ID program—collaborated and shared our experiences of going from an operational to a leadership role and how we're engaging our teams to think innovatively and deliver high-quality online certificates and programs. We'll cover the maieutic approach we adopted to reflect on skills, strategies, and attitudes needed to engage our teams. In addition, we'll discuss what it takes to design courses and programs and how to create a synergistic network among different stakeholders.

Outcomes: Reflect on being a professional in the online education field and how this field is changing * Critique different strategies for team-building and collaborative leadership to be used in your workplace * Analyze the design principles and team values that sustain a rapid-development approach


  • Claudia Arcolin

    Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Experiences, University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Mary-Kate Najarian

    Director of User Success and Learning Technologies, Montgomery County Community College

Resources & Downloads

  • ELI 2019Poster Session PDF file

    Updated on 11/26/2019