Supporting Faculty Engagement and Development Through an Education Research Team

Wednesday, February 20 | 10:00AM–10:45AM PT | Pacific Promenade - Poster12
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
The Faculty Engagement Team at Penn State's Teaching and Learning with Technology supports faculty engagement and development through educational research collaborations. Learn how the team works together and with other university stakeholders to accomplish its mission. You'll also have an opportunity to engage in discussion with the team and with other attendees to brainstorm ways you might implement some aspects of our model on your campus. In particular, we'll help you identify and troubleshoot roadblocks to implementation.

Outcomes: Explore the role of an education research team for faculty development/engagement * Understand how the structure of a teaching and learning center can support educational research as faculty development/engagement * Understand the institutional support required to maintain the team/structure described above


  • Kathy Jackson

    Adjunct Associate Teaching Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Crystal Ramsay

    Senior Director, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Jenay Robert

    Senior Researcher, EDUCAUSE