Toward a Co-Curricular Academic Computing

Tuesday, February 19, 2019 | 2:15PM–3:00PM PT | Pacific Promenade - Poster05
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Liberal arts colleges have always prided themselves on emphasizing the undergraduate educational experience, and have always measured themselves by student success, but face new pressures to demonstrate the relevance of their education, opening up new ways for IT to promote innovative and creative pathways in support of the college’s mission. In our presentation, we propose to discuss how we are developing student-centered co-curricular opportunities to promote student success. After our brief presentations, we propose to open discussion up the audience, to brainstorm other ways that academic computing can help drive co-curricular student success.

Outcomes: Discover and co-create best practices for moving academic computing outside the classroom and into a fuller engagement with students * Explore the specific challenges at SLACs in reimagining academic computing and how to overcome them


  • Jason Jones

    Assistant Director, Teaching & Learning with Technology, Northeastern University
  • Jessica McCullough

    Director of Research Support & Curricular Technology, Connecticut College
  • Rachel Schnepper

    Senior Director of Academic and Emerging Technologies, Wesleyan University