Virtual Organic Chemistry Lab: Your Personal TA Is Waiting for You!

Thursday, February 21, 2019 | 10:15AM–11:00AM PT | Pacific Promenade - Poster38
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
NC State University is investigating the feasibility of replacing an organic chemistry lab with a virtual reality (VR) experience. Our team, including faculty, teaching assistants, instructional designer and new media specialists, collaborated to create a VR laboratory experience designed to teach students how to use an infrared spectrometer and elucidate an unknown structure from the resulting infrared spectrum. This first-person VR experience is immersive and realistic, with a teaching assistant guiding the user along the steps required to complete the experiment and providing feedback as needed. VR provides a possible solution for students with disabilities and can accommodate pregnancy, safety concerns, or military deployments.

Outcomes: Experience a first-person point-of-view VR experience * Understand the steps behind planning and producing a 360 first-person point-of-view video * Identify some of the populations that could benefit from a distance-education organic lab offered via VR experiences


  • Mike Cuales

    Director, Digital Media Innovation, North Carolina State University
  • Maria Gallardo-Williams

    Teaching Associate Professor, North Carolina State University
  • Cathi Phillips Dunnagan

    Senior Instructional Designer, North Carolina State University

Resources & Downloads

  • Virtual Organic Chemistry Lab Your Personal TA Is Waiting for You Poster1

    Updated on 11/26/2019
  • Virtual Organic Chemistry Lab Your Personal TA Is Waiting for You Poster 2

    Updated on 11/26/2019