Presenter Promotional Toolkit

Promote Your Session Before the Conference

Thank you for participating as a presenter at the Security Professionals Conference! You act as a key influencer when you spread the word about the meeting with your networks and invite more voices into the discussion.

Share on Social Media

Share the post below to spread the word that you are presenting!

I am thrilled to present at #Security20! Join me in Bellevue, WA, April 21–23, and be sure to check out my session. Learn more at


Share by Email

Use this sample message to send an email to your colleagues.

Dear (insert your colleague's name),

I am thrilled to share that this year's Security Professionals Conference will take place in Bellevue, Washington, April 21–23 and I'm presenting. Along with a deep program of innovative ideas and insights, the conference is the best place to connect and collaborate with colleagues around the latest information security, privacy, and risk management innovations and strategies in higher ed. I hope you will join me and spread the word by encouraging your professional colleagues and friends to register.

Registration for the event is open. Join me at the 2020 Security Professionals Conference.

(insert your name)

Update Your Email Signature

Use your daily emails to promote your session.

Security Professionals Conference Presenter
I am presenting at the 2020 Security Professionals Conference! Check out my session and join me in Bellevue, WA, April 21–23.

Promote Your Session During the Conference

Presenting at the Security Professionals Conference is a big deal! We encourage you to promote it on your social media networks.

  • Include the hashtag #Security20 in your social media posts and session slides/materials.
  • Provide your Twitter handle so attendees can connect after the session, and check Twitter after your session for additional questions/discussions.
  • Tweet an hour before your session starts to create excitement.
  • Make your slides available to the public—provide them to EDUCAUSE for sharing.
  • Tweet your slides when they are available.

5 Tips for a 5-Star Presentation

  1. Upload your slide decks and session materials before your session starts.
  2. Remember to use the microphones provided.
  3. Use the Security Professionals Conference PowerPoint template.
  4. Bring your own computer equipped with a standard HDMI output.
  5. Remember to test your equipment, practice, and make final adjustments before your session begins.

For more information on presenting at the Security Professionals Conference, visit the Presenter Resources page.