From Students to Security: Case Studies of Successful Data-Driven Initiatives
Lightning Talk 1: Building A Runkeeper App for Studying: The Quantified Student
It was a simple idea. Can we create an App like Runkeeper to improve studying? So we started a movement ( where professors, data scientist, companies and students together create apps and tools that collect data (bio, location, behavior) to help students. We have many results already.
Outcomes: Understand how to use personal data to improve study results * Identify design principles for successful Quantified Student Apps and Tools * Tell an inspirational story to your university about improving study success
Presenter: Rens Van der Vorst, Fontys University
Lightning Talk 2: Mission, Vision, Values: Bringing It All Together with Balanced Scorecard
In this session, we'll describe the concepts behind the balanced scorecard and how it's used to connect our university's mission, vision, and values to cybersecurity initiatives, objectives, and metrics. This approach has brought a great deal of transparency and consistency to our security program, our budget and staff planning, and, most of all, our enterprise risk management integration.
Outcomes: Explore the history, use, and role of balanced scorecard in your environment * Practically apply balanced scorecard to a specific security initiative or goal * Understand ways of using metrics to drive your cybersecurity risk management efforts
Presenter: Wyman Miles, Cornell University
Lightning Talk 3: Helping Students Make Data-Informed Decisions
Learn how Purdue University Studio is empowering students to make better, more informed decisions by putting the data back in their hands. Purdue has identified key behaviors that correlate to academic success and have created an easy-to-use application for students to receive recommendations and take action.
Outcomes: Learn how to launch a successful institution-wide big data initiative * Attendees will create a plan to launch successful big data initiatives to impact student success * Attendees will be able to compare and contrast learner-centered big data strategies
Presenter: Wyman Miles, Cornell University
Wyman Miles
Chief Information Security Officer,
Cornell University
Anthony Newman
Executive Director, REN-ISAC,
Rens van der Vorst
Fontys Hogescholen
Resources & Downloads
Educause2017 Quantified Student
11 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/7/2024
Educause 2017 Quantified Student Paper
306 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024