Online Tools for Evaluating Technology Supported Instruction

Thursday, November 02, 2017 | 9:00AM–9:30AM ET | Meeting Room 103A, 100 Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Research on learning technology efficacy lags far behind the explosive growth of products. Presenters will share a set of online tools designed to help faculty and staff evaluate the effectiveness of technology-supported instruction on their campuses. Participants will then engage in activities to apply the tools to support evidence-based decisions.

Outcomes:: Access a set of web-based tools for evaluating technology-supported instruction * Learn how to excite and engage the organization about customer success * Understand the importance of a seamless workflow


  • Rebecca Griffiths

    Senior Principal Education Research, SRI International
  • Nancy O'Neill

    Associate Director, Kirwan Center for Acadeemic Innovation, University System of Maryland

Resources & Downloads

  • Online Tools for Evaluating Technology Supported Instruction

    3 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/7/2024