Postsecondary Institution Data-Security Overview and Requirements

Friday, November 03 | 8:00AM–8:50AM ET | Exhibit Hall D, 200 Level
Session Type: Featured Session
Delivery Format: Featured Session
As postsecondary institutions (PSIs) move from the information age to the virtual age, cyberthreats are a certainty. It is no longer a question of if, but when and how often. This presentation will define data security, requirements, and available tools. Poor knowledge could leave your PSI vulnerable and unfunded.

Outcomes: Understand the current state of data security and the requirements of Title IV schools as financial institutions * Define a breach, the protocol to follow, and the data to include in federal notification * Get existing free tools and services for managing cyberthreats at PSIs today


  • Tina Rodrigue

    Senior Advior - Cybersecurity, United States Department of Education

Resources & Downloads

  • Post Secondary Institution Data Security Overview and Requirements Slides

    1 MB, pptx - Updated on 1/23/2024
  • Federal Student Aid cybersecurity compliance information and resources

    Updated on 1/23/2024