Women CIO Perspectives on the Ascension to Leadership

Friday, November 03 | 9:10AM–10:00AM ET | Meeting Room 112A/B, 100 Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
A recent research study of 15 higher education women CIOs revealed common themes and differences of opinions related to gender biases encountered during their rise to the CIO. This session will examine the key findings of the research and engage a panel of current women CIOs on their views and experiences with gender bias, how best to handle it, and how best to prepare the next generation of women IT leaders.

Outcomes: Gain awareness of success factors for women aspiring to leadership roles * Learn how to transform cross-campus partnerships on your campus * Be able to apply lessons learned to your work


  • Steve Burrell

    Vice President of IT & CIO, Northern Arizona University
  • Kathy Kral

  • Sharon Pitt

    Vice President of Information Technology and CIO, Virginia Tech
  • Celeste Schwartz

    Vice President for Information Technology & Institutional Effectiveness, Montgomery County Community College
  • Melissa Woo

    Executive Vice President for Administration & CIO, Michigan State University
  • Sue Workman

    Interim VP for Information Services and Technology, Boston University

Resources & Downloads

  • Women CIO Perspectives

    2 MB, pptx - Updated on 1/22/2024