Assessment Literacy: Fostering Student Success through Intentional Policy and Technology Design

On Demand
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: On-Demand
This interactive presentation will provide insight into an assessment reform process used at Edith Cowan University, a large public university in Australia with a diverse student cohort. The presentation will demonstrate the use of a third-party provider platform, Cadmus, to increase assessment literacy among students and faculty.

Outcomes: Explore assessment policies that support learning and mitigate risk to academic integrity * Examine technologies that foster the desired positive assessment behavior for students and faculty * Review how analytics can support sustained innovation * Learn how Edith Cowan University enacted change in assessment


  • Rowena Harper

    Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), Edith Cowan University
  • Angela Hill

    Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Education, Edith Cowan University
  • Herk Kailis

    CEO , Cadmus