Simulive Presenter Resources

Q: What is a simulive session?


Simulive is a pre-recorded session that runs during the live program where presenters are actively engaged in the chat while the recording is playing.

  • Simulive sessions increase audience engagement with presenters (via chat).
  • Simulive sessions give presenters the flexibility of pre-planned, multiple-take program contributions.
    Please check out this "What is Simulive" video for more information.


Q: How long should my simulive session be, and when is the due date to have it uploaded?


Please structure your session so that it is no longer than 20 minutes. You don’t need to allow for Q&A since you will be monitoring the chat throughout the session answering questions. The due date to have it submitted to the event platform is Wednesday, September 23.


Q: What are some general recommendations for virtual presenters?


By implementing the following guidelines, your session will be engaging, interesting, and memorable:

  1. Know your audience: Who are they? Why do you think they are attending your session?
  2. Start with the end in mind. There should be 1-3 key “takeaways” from the session.
  3. Have an engagement plan. It's very easy to lose your audience's attention in a virtual setting. Ideas: Use the chat box early and often by asking questions of your audience. Draw them in with storytelling. Chunk your content into sections of 5-7 minutes each, and after each section, engage with the audience.
  4. Prepare: Know your stuff. Practice. Time yourself. Critique yourself. Practice some more.
  5. Remember to test your equipment.
  6. When presenting, remove distractions, look directly at the camera, maintain a strong, clear voice, and don't forget to BREATHE...


Q: What resources are available for creating an engaging virtual presentation?


Be sure to check out:

  • EDUCAUSE Virtual Presenter Toolkit: Whether you've never presented virtually before or you're an old pro, this toolkit will provide you with all you need to know to make your presentation a success.
  • Presenter Support Modules five-minute training videos)
  • Resource Hub (articles, tips, and more focused on presenting and creating an outstanding presentation)


Q: How do I record my simulive session?


You may record your presentation using a screen-share program such as Zoom or GoToWebinar. You will then upload your mp4 file (size limit is 2GB) into the event platform. Here are some short tutorial videos that may help you:


Q: Can I share additional materials with attendees?


Absolutely! If you have handouts or resources to support your presentation, you will be able to upload these into the event platform. File types allowed: pdf, docx, jpg, jpeg, png.


Q: How will Q&A be handled?


You and your presentation team should be monitoring the chat during your simulive session so that you can interact with the attendees and answer questions. Try to build in several questions to spark engagement, and be prepared to respond quickly to the responses.


Q: How do I upload my recording and resources (if applicable)?


Coming soon: Easy, how-to instructions on uploading your content into the event platform.


Q: Since presenter emails will not be displayed in the event platform, how will attendees be able to contact me directly if they want?


There is an internal message system in the platform allowing attendees and presenters to message each other. If you would like to continue conversations outside the platform, you can share your email address directly with others. You can also add a “contact me” slide to the end of your presentation. For your protection, EDUCAUSE does not share email addresses of attendees or presenters, but they may choose to do so themselves.