Beyond Mentoring: Networks for Connectedness, Learning, and Leadership

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 | 4:15PM–5:00PM PT | El Capitan, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Discussion Circle
We all know that professional networks are important, but how do you go about building and maintaining meaningful networks that are mutually beneficial? How do you identify the positions or people who can help you solve problems? During this interactive discussion, facilitators will guide small group conversation around participant-identified topics related to networking in higher education. Each group will identify challenges, outline resources, brainstorm solutions, and share strategies relevant to many institutional and professional contexts. You will leave with a personal action plan for developing and maintaining networks along with structured opportunities to continue networking after the session.

Outcomes: Identify obstacles to creating meaningful networks * Consider gaps in your networks, including those related to diversity and inclusion * Connect with new people from different institutions * Create an individual action plan for meaningfully growing and sustaining your network * Continue the conversation online postmeeting


  • Shannon Dunn

    Director of Strategic Team Operations, Vantage Technology Consulting Group
  • Kelly Scholl

    Program Director of Learning Technologies Faculty Fellow Programs, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Diana Voss

    Director of Academic Technology Services, Stony Brook University

Resources & Downloads

  • Beyond Mentoring Networks for Connectedness Learning and Leadership

    Updated on 2/13/2025