Cloud-Adoption Strategies: Using the Cloud to Enable the Future University

Wednesday, October 26 | 11:40AM–12:30PM | Ballroom B, Level Three
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
At UMUC, we are looking to create operational efficiencies while increasing service levels to our students, faculty, and staff. The story of our #cloudfirst journey touches on foundational technology, leveraging technology for a competitive advantage and the human side of this transition.

Outcomes: Understand not only the technology but also the human impacts of a cloud migration *Define the steps necessary for making a successful migration to the cloud *Understand the benefits and risks of migrating to the cloud


  • Mohammad Haque

    Co-Founder & CTO, Propeller
  • Greg Smith

Resources & Downloads

  • CloudAdoption Strategies Enable the Future University_slides

    2 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/4/2024