Presenter Resources

Corporate (Purchased) Session Presenter Information

Q: Could you explain what each suggested "Session Format Type" means?


Industry and Client-Led Session
This session is a presentation given by a client of a corporation (at least one higher education institution required). A subject matter expert from your corporation is present to add to the discussion. Your client will demonstrate the benefits your company's solutions have had on campus, enabling them to speak to general benefits for other campuses. Q&A provides for valuable interaction between the client/corporation and the audience.

Industry and Campus Hot-Topic Panel
This session consists of a panel of three subject-matter experts (at least one institutional representative is required) and a moderator. The topic should address a hot topic of key interest to higher education; emerging trends; research; and strategies, technologies, and business offerings.


Q: What are the guidelines for my session?


Applies to All Purchased Corporate Session Types

  • See the top 10 issues on recommendations for topics.
  • Session is designed to bring together corporate and institutional thought leadership communities, facilitate intentional dialogue, bridge R&D, and promote product development. The purpose of the session is not marketing or sales.
  • Eliminate company background information, marketing, and sales speak. This type of information should be provided through on-site collateral.
  • Focus on thought leadership and advancing the needs of higher education.
  • Ask participants about their needs and keep the session interactive.
  • Presentation materials and discussion notes should be captured and shared as a session resource.

Applies to Corporate and Campus Hot Topic Panels

  • Keep the sessions interactive (moderator takes questions from the audience); ask participants about their needs.
  • Panel moderator should be energetic and ensures that no one panelist is dominating.


Q: What is the development and review process for my corporate presentation?

  • Please adhere to the session format and guidelines for your session type and take advantage of the resources available to you for designing and delivering an engaging presentation.
  • Your session description (title, 50-word abstract, speaker info, domain, and three outcomes) will be submitted to your speaker liaison, Breanne Maxim, for review and approval by EDUCAUSE. Only submit a complete description so it can be reviewed as a whole; do not send information piece-by-piece.
  • If revisions to your description are requested, you will have one opportunity to make the suggested revisions and resubmit for approval. If the description needs further revision after that, EDUCAUSE will rewrite/edit it for you (this is to avoid several back-and-forth revision attempts).
  • Once approved, your session day and time will be slotted based upon the topic and how it best fits within the overall conference program.


General Information for All Presenters

Q: Upload your Session Resources?


We invite you share your presentation by emailing your files or URLs after the conference. To do this, please email your presentation materials to [email protected].

We ask that you include the following.

  • Subject Line: EDUCAUSE 2016 Presentation Materials to upload
  • File Attachments: Please rename all files to include the session title (examples – EDUCAUSE First Timers Orientation_slides.ppt & EDUCAUSE First Timers Orientation_handout.pdf)
  • Email Body:
    Session Date/Time:
    Session Title: TITLE
    Author: NAME(S)


Q: Could you explain what my "Session Type" means?


The following session types were assigned through the proposal submission process and are designed to set conference participants expectations when they attend your session.

CIO Open Space Sessions
These sessions provide an opportunity for the CIO community to discuss current topics as well as areas of interest identified ad-hoc during the conference.

Industry and Client-Led Session
See Corporate Presenter Information below.

Community Update Sessions
Offered occasionally by specialized community groups, these scheduled updates offer an overview of how the group operates, current accomplishments, and plans. EDUCAUSE Community Updates are available throughout the conference in video format.

Interactive Sessions
These sessions are opportunities to share topics of community interest through an innovative, thought-provoking format that encourages audience participation. Examples might include point-counterpoint on controversial topics or flipped sessions with prerequisite participant preparation.

Industry and Campus Hot-Topic Panel
See Corporate Presenter Information below.

Discussion Sessions
Offered by EDUCAUSE constituent groups and open to anyone interested in the topic, discussions are an opportunity for participants to share campus challenges and solutions through interactive exchange.

Facilitated Content (e.g., EDUCAUSE Connect session)
Presenters act as content leaders to present a short segment of content and then lead interactive, engaging activities, group discussions, and attendee reflections on how to apply their new knowledge to practice. Session time will be divided into 50% content and 50% interactive exercises appropriate for large groups.

Featured Presenter Sessions
Invited by EDUCAUSE for their expertise on a variety of current topics, featured presenter sessions are offered during every time-slot at the annual conference.

Multi-Campus Perspective Panel, Talk Show
This format is a panel with 2-3 perspectives that represent multiple campuses. The stage will include comfortable chairs, but no podium; presenters will not use PowerPoint. Presenters create an engaging moderated discussion with dialogue, storytelling, case studies, and lessons learned to help attendees apply concepts to their campus.

Point-Counterpoint Debate
This session format is intended to get people talking and create open minds with fresh perspectives. Select a thought-provoking topic and create a panel with two-opposing viewpoints. Add a third panelist to serve as moderator, frame the conversation, and engage the audience.

Poster Sessions and the Digital Poster Gallery
Poster sessions offer the opportunity to share campus experiences through informal, interactive, brief presentations focused on effective practices, research findings, or technical solutions. In addition to presenting your poster on site, we are offering the opportunity to extend your poster session exposure through the EDUCAUSE Digital Poster Gallery. The Gallery will be promoted to online conference attendees and to all onsite attendees.

Preconference Seminars
Offered for full or half days, preconference seminars give attendees the opportunity to have a deeper examination of various topics, facilitated by senior IT leaders with extensive experience in those areas. These seminars are highly interactive and give participants the chance to discuss in depth approaches to challenges they are facing on campus - to share solutions and learn strategies.


Q: Do I need to register to present?


As a presenter, you must register in order to present. Be sure to register by September 27, 2016, to get the early-bird discounted rate for Anaheim.


Q: Is there a PowerPoint template I should use for my presentation?


EDUCAUSE has prepared an optional PowerPoint template for your convenience. The template is available in either a 4:3 aspect ratio (standard) OR 16:9 aspect ratio (widescreen). Please note: the screens/projectors that will be provided in session rooms support the standard 4:3 format.

Example of 16x9 presentation on 4x3 screen


Q: Is there a Speaker Ready Room at the convention center where I can work on my presentation?


Yes, there will be a speaker ready room with EDUCAUSE staff available to assist you. The speaker ready room will be located in Meeting Room 204A in the Anaheim Convention Center. Here are a few things you will be able to do in this room:

  • Test your laptop with an identical meeting room projector

  • Get help with technology questions

  • Make last-minute changes to your presentation

  • Print your presentation

  • Meet with your co-presenters to review your presentation

  • Pick up your speaker gift and "Presenter" ribbon for your name badge

  • Monday, 12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

  • Tuesday, 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.

  • Wednesday, 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

  • Friday, 7:30–10:30 a.m.


Q: How will my on-site room be set up?


All session meeting rooms (with the exception of poster sessions) will be theater-style seating or a combination of round tables in the front of the room and theater-style seating in the back. There will be a head table and chairs for presenters at the front of the room.

EDUCAUSE will make every effort to accommodate panel sessions as defined as a group of three or more people presenting together on the same topic, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee additional chairs or microphones will be provided.


Q: Will I have access to audio/video equipment?


All of the session rooms (with the exception of poster sessions and facilitated content sessions) will have the following standard AV:

  • LCD Projector

  • Screen (sizes vary depending on room size but are typically 7.5'x10')

  • Projector Stand

  • Capability to switch between two laptops (A/B switch)

  • Wired microphone at podium

  • Wireless lavaliere microphone

    • One additional table microphone for panels of three or more

  • Computer audio patch


Q: Will I have Internet access?


The following internet connections will be available:

  • Wireless access will be available for both presenters and attendees. The connection speed will be sufficient to access and navigate web pages and e-mail.

  • One Ethernet connection for presenter use (cable dropped between lectern and table and requested to be long enough for use at either location).

  • Substantial bandwidth will be provided and should be sufficient for basic applications you wish to present. However, if you know that your presentation will require a significant bandwidth and have concerns, please contact Sarah Reynolds.


Poster Session Presenter Information

Q: What will my area look like?


The standard set includes a 4'x8' bulletin board. Push pins, scissors, tape and other supplies available at the check-in desk. Upon request we can also provide a table for your laptop.

You may opt to bring a laptop as an additional resource for your session time. However, there will be no AC outlets, equipment security, or storage available when you are not present.


Q: Will I have Internet access?


Wireless internet access will not be provided in the exhibit hall, which includes the Poster Session area.


Q: When can I set up and tear down my poster display?


You may set up your poster during the following times on the day of your presentation:

  • Wednesday, October 26, 2016
    • Set-up - 9:00-11:00 a.m.
    • Display - 1:30 -2:30 p.m.
    • Teardown – by 4:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 27, 2016
    • Set-up – 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
    • Display - 12:30 -1:30 p.m.
    • Teardown – by 4:00 p.m.

An EDUCAUSE staff member will be at the front of the poster area and can help direct you to your pre-assigned area. Also, all bulletin boards will have a piece of paper with your poster title attached to it.


Q: Do I have the option to ship or store my materials?


If you need to ship materials, it would be best to send materials to your hotel (labeled to your attention). Please work directly with the hotel for shipping instructions.



This page contains information and resources to assist you as a presenter at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. If you do not find an answer to your question, please contact us.