ADA Compliance for Course Design: Lessons Learned from Campuses and an Online Publisher

Thursday, October 27, 2016 | 9:10AM–10:00AM | Meeting Room 209A/B, Level Two
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
In 2015, the ADA made headlines when Harvard and MIT were sued for noncompliance. Dozens of other similar complaints with the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice have highlighted the issue of inaccessible IT at postsecondary institutions. The presentation will review the compliance lessons learned from the experiences of a developer of IT and a campus leader, based on their study of and association with campuses nationwide. Useful guidance and resources will also be provided.

Outcomes: Learn about specific inaccessible IT issues that have been addressed in the civil rights complaints about inaccessible IT on campuses nationwide * Identify what other campuses can learn from these legal challenges and their resolutions * Explore resources and identify one thing your campus should do in response to lessons learned


  • Sheryl Burgstahler

    Director, Accessible Technology Services, University of Washington
  • Martin LaGrow

    Assistive Technology, San Joaquin Delta College